Christ Centered Gospel Church, in collaboration with Agape Worship Center International, hosted its 1st annual Health Fair and Concert on Saturday June 20th, 2015 at the City Square, McDonough, Georgia. In attendance were the Henry County Health Department, Henry County Fire Department,WellStar Health System, iCare Mental Health. Volunteering nurses from Wellstar Cobb Hospital assisted by nurses in the church congregation. The ticket price of the event was free and all the public had to do was stop by. Just like our salvation…it was already paid for! This provides a great opportunity to announce Jesus Christ and to have Christ Centered and Agape, along with health professionals, serve in our community. Everyone was welcome to attend.
For the healthcare component, each group set up a station and combined, offered free blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol level … checks. They also provided literature on state sponsored healthcare services, personal preventative and emergency healthcare. All had gifts, leave-behinds and take-aways which were a hit with attendees to the event. Representatives from Wellstar Cobb Hospital gave presentations on Warning signs of stroke F.A.S.T and Henry County Health Department addressed the audience on healthcare screenings and services available for the public. Along with the health screenings and dissemination of information, the youth of Christ Centered Gospel Church and the Agape Worship Center International band drew us into the presence of God with beautiful, heartfelt musical performances. It was a wonderful thing to see and hear voices raised up to the most high God in praise and worship. May the Lord continue to train, energize, anoint, bless and the music ministry even more!
It was tuned out to be a fun-filled, light-hearted, love-filled event but with it, the real message of preventative healthcare hope in Christ for the soul. We had an awesome afternoon of fellowship – adults and children alike. Many passersby from the community were blessed with the free healthcare screenings while they enjoyed the wonderful hope-filled music.